February 2023 Updates

Notable updates: Salesforce integration, URL search, improved deduplication, and mobile news curation in Contify.

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Written by Contify Marketing
Updated over a week ago

Directly search a URL

Users can now directly search for a URL in the Contify platform search bar. The use case is to look up a URL and validate if it's in Contify platform or not. The URL search should be done after putting the entire URL within double quotes.

Enhanced deduplication logic

The Contify platform has introduced enhanced deduplication logic for all updates. Users will now see substantially improved deduplication and the frequency of seeing similar articles multiple times in the newsfeed will be reduced significantly. This is achieved by leveraging machine learning at the backend of the Contify platform.

Curation on mobile devices

Analysts can curate articles directly via their mobile devices. They can choose to Publish an update for all users to read, or Reject an update. Analysts can also modify an update by editing the title or summary of an article.

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