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How to use Custom Templates in Contify Dashboards?
How to use Custom Templates in Contify Dashboards?

Users can design custom dashboards on Contify, tailoring data presentation to their needs and preferences for clarity.

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Written by Contify Marketing
Updated over a week ago

This feature allows users to design dashboards that reflect their specific needs and preferences, offering the flexibility to showcase the data in the most relevant and understandable manner.

To create a template on Contify, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to Contify and access the Dashboard tab.

  2. Click "Create widget."

  3. Choose "Templates."

  4. Select "Create Template."

  5. Provide a name and description for your template.

  6. Hit "Create" to finalize and create your new template.

To create a custom widget on Contify,follow the below steps:

  1. Log in to Contify and access the Dashboard tab.

  2. Click "Create widget" to begin customizing.

  3. Opt for either "Empty" or "Dataset" type.

  4. Select "Add to Library" to share with all users.

  5. Congratulations, your new widget is now ready to use!

To add widgets to a template, access the Library, select desired widgets, and use "Add to template" option for seamless integration.

Create a Dashboard using the custom template:


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