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Contify News APIs

Contify News APIs are used to integrate market and competitive intelligence into your application.

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Written by Contify Marketing
Updated over a month ago

Use our APIs to provide curated intelligence on Competitors, Customers, Prospects, and Industries in the form of press releases, news, investor relations updates, regulatory updates, social media posts, and other marketing collateral hosted on company websites. Content is aggregated from company websites, news publishers, social media, and regulators.

Our APIs are RESTful. Responses are delivered in JSON format. Request an API key to get started with a free trial account.


Contify will issue an API Key and App ID to you. Use it to identify and authorize each request. Keep your API key private and never display it publicly.

Access to all API endpoints must be authenticated. Your requests should specify the API key, App ID, and response format using an extended header field with the name

Accept: application/json" --header “APPID:$your_id" --header “APPSECRET:$your_key

Reach out to your respective analyst for more details on Standard and/or Enterprise API documentation.

Sampe Response codes

Status Code


200 OK

The request was successful.

400 Bad Request

The request was malformed. It might be missing a query parameter.

403 Forbidden

The API key is invalid, missing, or has exceeded its quota.

404 Not Found

The requested endpoint is incorrect.

405 Method Not Allowed

You have queried the API with an unsupported HTTP method. Retry your query with either GET or POST.

500 Internal Server Error

There was an unexpected error on our server.

503 Service Temporarily Unavailable

There is a transient downstream error condition.

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